Cannaverse Web3

Cannaverse was a massive Web3 branding project and NFT collection creation curated by myself and a few talented friends.

We created 10,000 unique space cruiser NFTs through a generative process: we first design a modular set of attributes (jet trails, jet engine, paint job, etc) before feeding that library of assets to a sorting script. Our script then randomly combines these attributes, giving us the necessary 10,000 one-of-a-kind NFTs. This generation method allowed for infinite model variations and an efficient look development process, centered around design.

The 10k Collection

Concept Development

The task was to create 10,000 unique NFT space cruisers for exploring the Cannaverse, a new weed-centric metaverse developed by Young World. We started by sculpting conceptual attributes of the space ships, including wings, engines, bodies, and cockpits. Our goal was to experiment with designs that were distinct yet seamlessly fit together, allowing for random assembly without any problems.

Early on, we chose Blender for generation because its software is built on top of Python, which provided us with convenient access to the necessary rules and restrictions our generation script demanded.

The Lore

Beyond the ambitious 10k collection creation, an even grander challenge awaited us - to create an entire brand from scratch. The birth of Cannaverse demanded a captivating font, an iconic logo, a palette of enchanting colors, and a set of brand guidelines to weave its identity. And that was not all; we embarked on crafting a multitude of trailers and engaging marketing campaigns, fueling the hype and breathing life into the mesmerizing world of Cannaverse.